Friday, May 19, 2006

Mama's Crossing the Border...

So the latest argument over the Senate's CIRA bill granting amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants working in this country is that we'll have a such a serious influx of Mexican and Latin American immigrants that essentially the country will be "transformed." Essentially everyone who gets granted amnesty can bring their dependent parents, spouses and children so the numbers are exponentially higher than previously discussed. So now the white guys are jumping up down screaming for their representatives to stop this before they become the minority in the country. So the only natural thing to do is, of course, grant amnesty, bring the mexicans over here and then tell them they all need learn english. Yep, today the Senate passed a law to make English the official language of the country. Why this wasn't done before is beyond me. I understand its not necessary because this is the country of immigrants. The country that lets you retain your heritage but enjoy the freedoms that come with living in the current world economic superpower. But really boys, laws like this shouldn't come about because we're afraid that our identity will be stolen by the Mexicans and their mamas. English is already the primary language that federal discourse is conducted in so making it official would not have been a problem before. Funny how this administration touts the idea of being secure and fighting terrorism when really what it seems to be all about fear. Fear of the turbaned guy. Fear of the latinos ...

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