Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sex Selection in the US?!

"...a fundamental dynamic between technology and culture: Technology can coax cultures one way or the other by making it easier to do what you want to do, with less difficulty and without other people knowing about it."

Something I spent a lot of pondering when I decided to get into this field. "Technology." Is it really as evil as some people proclaim? No. But there are moments when you question what progress research has given us and whether to claim it as progress or to denounce it as the root of a demise.

Another thing I've already blogged about before is female feticide in India. These two themes come together in Slate's article here. Quite shocking, in my opinion, that Asians have carried and managed to hold onto this tradition in the US long enough for scientists to see the results in generations born here. Unfortunate. No further comment.

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