Monday, April 17, 2006

Lou Dobbs is the Man

I love Lou Dobbs. He has no problem telling it like it is when it comes to this immigration mess thats currently being hashed out up on Capitol Hill:
(Janet Murguia is the president and CEO of The National Council of La Raza is the largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in this country)

MURGUIA: There's a common agenda here in the sense that we want to provide an opportunity to fix the broken system. It needs a comprehensive solution...
DOBBS: OK, here's a solution.
MURGUIA: ... that includes enforcement and it includes a guest worker program in dealing with those 12 million undocument.
DOBBS: Here's a solution. You tell me what's wrong it. First we secure our borders. Then we create a rational and humane immigration policy.
We take control of the immigration and our borders in that order.
MURGUIA: We can do enforcement and we can make sure we're supporting some opportunities. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. We really can, we're in the 21st century, we can figure this out. We're a nation of laws and a nation with immigrations.
DOBBS: Janet, I would love to say you're right, but you're watching people go on the set and say they're not talking about amnesty when they're talking about guest workers program. You're catching people sit there and say to you that they're -- please, they're equating Hispanics and illegal aliens.

What do you mean we can walk and chew gum at the same time?! NO! Obviously we cannot. There are 5 gazillion different laws trying to make their way to permanency -- hence the need for prioritization. Its not like this 11-13 million illegal immigrants just walked across the border last night. We have not been able to and/or not cared enough to control the border since forever and its not a problem that just crept up on us while were were taking a nap last night. There's a lovely drawn out process to work out how laws are made and implemented and everyone knows even if we wanted him to Bush couldn't just snap his fingers and solve the problem(s). Seriously: border security first -- everything else afterwards.

Check it out: Its about time something like this came together (even if the design needs a little least its a move in the right direction.)

In more important news..I think I've become a white person. This is definitely the second weekend this spring I've managed to get sunburned just walking around DC.


Anonymous said...

Lou Dobbs is a dinosaur along with the rest of the hacks that he brings on the program. He has constantly criticized the H1B worker program as being the numero uno reason why americans are losing their tech jobs and has gone as far as to proclaim that our standard of living is being lowered due to the hiring of H1Bs without providing any evidence or statistical data ever. I used to think he had some sense, but his position on getting rid of the H1B program is just lunacy in a world of increased competition and globalization, not to mention wreaking of old school protectionism a la the 80s fear of Japanese corporations taking over the U.S. Every piece of unbiased data has shown that the number of jobs in the high tech sector has gone up since the tech meltdown in 99. Hence, every opinion of his, IMHO, is not worth listening to, and you shouldn't either Dolly. The H1B cap must be removed altogether.

dolly said...

Well..I will agree with you on the H1B issue but Lou Dobbs is one of the first well-known figures to stand up and take a stance on the immigrant issue thats only now being taken seriously on the Hill. I don't plan on marrying the guy so as far as I'm concerned one off-putting opinion isn't going to negate his worth. I do, however, commend his ability to stand up for what he beleives in and not dance around an important subject of debate.